How to Lighten Age Spots

by | May 13, 2018

Age spots, those little brown marks that accumulate on exposed skin as you age, are actually more linked to sun exposure over the years rather than a direct result of getting older. If you are of fair complexion, you will most likely experience the spotting at some point. We are all always looking for a safe, effective (and cost-effective) way to lighten them, and we rounded up some of the best tried and true methods.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Naturally containing the same alpha hydroxy acids as many of the high price-point anti-aging creams, apple cider vinegar is easy to find and excellent exfoliator for lightening. Simply dab a bit directly onto the spots before bed and let it soak in overnight. Repeat this routine daily and, within three to four weeks, you should begin to see results.


AKA Vitamin A, Retinol is found in certain creams, such as Jericho’s Night Cream, and works towards anti-aging in a variety of ways. It lightens those age spots but that’s not all – it also unclogs pores and minimizes fine lines, turning back that clock in a variety of ways.


Another naturally acidic lightener, lemons are widely praised for reducing darkness on the skin. The citric acid removes dead skin cells, revealing new, fresh, and glowing skin underneath. Just remember to avoid direct sunlight immediately after, as it can actually counteract the lemon juice and react to cause the skin to darken.

Aloe Vera

Known far and wide for its sunburn soothing abilities, aloe vera is actually an incredible remedy for many different skin ailments: poison ivy and stinging nettle burns, eczema, moisturizing and, of course, age spot lightening. You can use straight aloe vera juice or a soothing gel mixture to soak up these anti-inflammatory and spot lightening properties.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is widely regarded as having multiple skin healing properties, one of which being the treatment of age spots. Just massage a bit of oil onto the spotty areas twice a day and your spots will be noticeably faded in about four weeks.